What readers are saying about Jim's book...

"With profound insight, compassion, and solid biblical support, Jim resurrects one of the most forgotten and overlooked truths in our day."

~Dwight Edwards, author and advisor to Larry Crabb

"Still the best book on the theme out there."

~Alice F.; Arizona

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Prone To Wander Myth

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 What if your heart is no longer 'prone to wander?'  What if God is more interested in releasing a noble goodness He's already placed within you, rather than pressuring you to be more 'holy?'  Discover the book by Jim Robbins.

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What others are saying about Jim's training/teaching:

" Simply stated, he's just 'good at it.'  He is an accomplished and 'natural' teacher."

- Diane Brazelton , Ministry Director



Whether you want to invite Jim to share the message of the Christian's good and noble heart with your group; or want to engage in deeper training and discover why holdiing your heart under suspicion will only sabotage the full-hearted life you want, there are at least a couple of options available to you:


Option A:  One-hour session

Done at your church or home-group.  Great for Men's Breakfasts, Celebrate Recovery, or meetings where a guest speaker is used. 

This is an introductory, overview taste of the message of the good and noble heart contained in Jim's book, Recover Your Good Heart - Living free from religious  guilt and the shame of not good-enough. 

[Click here to read reviews and a description of the book.]



Option B:  Weekend event
Friday night, and Saturday [9 a.m. - 4 p.m.]

Done at your church or home-group.  This is the in-depth seminar/event Jim does based upon his book, Recover Your Good Heart - Living free from religious  guilt and the shame of not good-enough.  This in-depth weekend event is often a richer, more meaningful experience for attendees.


What to Expect:

Jim's events are always interactive and deeply engaging.  You will never hear a dull, droning lecture.  He also uses short video sequences when possible.


The Training will answer questions like the following:

  • Why do many Christians believe their hearts are still 'prone to wander?'

  • How did Jesus' work on our behalf restore our hearts [the center of our personality and being?]

  • Why do many believers think they're not spiritual enough?

  • Why do many Christ-followers think God is disappointed with them?

  • How does a better understanding of our heart help us deal with sin and temptation?

  • What prevents many Christians from living in their unique calling?

  • How can understanding Jesus' surprising work in our hearts benefit our marriages and children?



  • For larger gatherings:  When possible, video and music are used to enhance the message and overall experience. Essential equipment Jim will need includes a bright projector, a large video screen, a good sound system and the ability to significantly darken the meeting room. [Jim can provide a sound system for a smaller room].  Jim also requires an experienced AV person to set up and run the equipment during the event, including having the ability to transition quickly between film clips, run the lighting, sound system and deal with technical issues that may arise.

  • For small groups:  For home groups, Jim can provide a sound system.  A good t.v. will be needed for video [DVD].



Please email me  if you want to talk further about an event.