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The partial-gospel will kill your heart.

Most Christians have been given an anemic, partial view of the message of Jesus that, quite frankly, is killing them. If you were to ask them: "Tell me what the Gospel is," you'd probably hear something about forgiveness and heaven. Sadly, that's only part of the story, and not nearly enough to change someone's life over the long run.

Try answering the following questions to test your understanding of the Gospel. After all, you'll live out your faith based upon your answers. I'll post the answers in a few days...

1. True or False? The Christian's heart is just as sinful after becoming a Christian as it was before becoming one.

 2. True or False? The Christian's heart is a mixture of good and bad.

 3. True or False? A Christian's heart is totally good and pure.

 4. True or False? Christianity is about right behavior and morality.

 6. True or False? God is interested in fixing us.

 7. True or False? Jesus' primary offer to us is the forgiveness of sins.

My upcoming book, Recover Your Good Heart will unpack these questions so that Christians no longer need to live under a duty-driven pressure to be good. When you find the truth about your new heart, you'll find everything else you've longed for.

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